
Curso de Lluis Zamora formación sobre los protocolos y técnicas para muestrear anguilas

How are eels sampled in SUDOANG?

On 27 and 28 June 2018, 25 people representing 10 SUDOANG partners gathered at Anglet University (France) for a course run by Agnes Bardonnet (INRA) and Isabel Domingos (FCUL-Mare). The aim of the course was to provide all the participants with training on the protocols and techniques for eel sampling (recruits and silver and yellow […]

Persona liberando anguilas europeas en el rio

LAUNCH MEETING IN LISBON: we are up and running

Between 30 May and 1 June 2018, the members of the Sudoang project met at Lisbon University, hosted by the SCIENCE FACULTY-LISBON UNIVERSITY, and our special thanks must go to Isabel Domingos, Rui Monteiro and María Joao Correia. There was a total of 51 people present representing 28 different entities. The aims of the meeting […]

Anguila europea en el río

SUDOANG project will help to restore the European eel population and its habitat in the SUDOE area, by providing common operating methods

In February, the European Union approved the implementation of the SUDOANG project, coordinated and led by AZTI and co-funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme of the European Regional Development Fund, the Fisheries Directorate of the Basque Government’s Ministry of Economic Development and Infrastructures, and Gipuzkoa Provincial Council. The main aim of this initiative is to […]
