Task groups

All about our task groups

SUDOANG is structured around 8 Task Groups (TGs), each Task Group led by a partner, with the contribution of the other partners. To achieve their objectives, the TGs are organized around several Activities, whose main result is a Product. As the project progresses, these products will be available by clicking on the links below.

In the TG Data Collection, all data on the eel and its habitat will be compiled in a database, which will be displayed in a user-friendly and attractive way, in the format of an eel atlas. Such data will be standardised by the TG Eel Monitoring Transnational Network, which will produce common protocols and templates and organise training seminars for those responsible for field and laboratory work. In the TG Estimation of Mortality caused by barriers, the task group will prepare an interactive map with the barriers that most impact the eel stock, in order to establish priorities in actions to improve river continuity. The Recruitment TG will use and adapt the GEREM model to estimate the entry of glass eels into river basins. By comparing these values with the escapement estimates, it will be possible to establish input/output balances during the eel continental phase. The Escapement TG will estimate the biomass of silver eels leaving the river basins to breed. The interactive web application will bring together the maps and tools developed by other TGs of the project. The TG Intersectoral and Intergovernmental Dialogue will explore new management approaches to address the administrative complexity of managing the species, with the focus on jointly building the eel governance platform.


Led by OFB


Estimate the silver eel biomass in the SUDOE area.


Transfer results of implementation of the model

Scientific article

Eel stock monitoring transnational network

Led by FCUL


Create an eel monitoring network in the SUDOE area to monitor the status of the population in a harmonised way, using standardised methods for data collection.


Installing an eel pass in the River Nivelle

Setting up a recruitment series for the River Nivelle

Implementing an eel stock monitoring network

Database of SUDOE pilot basins

Intersectoral and intergovernmental dialogue

Led by the Lonxanet Foundation


Reinforce the cooperation between the stakeholders involved in the governance of the eel and its habitat.


Tools for improving dialogue

Training course on dialogue tools

Workshops on good governance (2)