

On 26 May, SUDOANG coordinator Estibaliz Díaz was invited to give a talk at the conference “The new Atlantic Action Plan 2.0 : opportunities and perspectives of cooperation in the Atlantic Area”. The Atlantic Strategy Committee (ASC) has been working to develop a renewed Atlantic Action Plan to give a new impetus to the Atlantic […]

Looking forward to seeing you in SUDOANG final event !

SUDOANG project is coming to an end and we are eager to share with you the products we have developed. On Monday, May 31, we will present GOVERNANG, the platform for eel governance. On Tuesday, June 1, we will present VISUANG, the interactive tool that allows to visualize eel data at basin, eel management unit, […]


Incorporating stakeholder knowledge in eel recruitment

The GEREM model has been proposed as a tool for estimating eel recruitment, but its complexity makes it difficult to be understood and accepted by all stakeholders. At SUDOANG, we proposed a co-parameterization of this assessment model to address this distrust. Using several questionnaires, stakeholders were involved in two important options of the model (area […]

Estimating eel mortality

Over the last two decades, France has developed a methodology to estimate the mortality rate of the eels migrating downstream past a hydropower plant. This method has enabled the impact to be calculated on a scale of certain facilities and certain migration routes, prior to the implementation to measures to offset the impacts of the […]

SUDOANG at FITHYDRO final conference

Pierre Sagnes (OFB) was invited to participate in the final event (17-18 March 2021) of FIThydro, an EU-funded H2020 research project (2016-2021), which aims to support decisions on commissioning and operating hydropower plants (HPP) by use of existing and innovative technologies. The project concentrates on environmental impact assessment and the development of cost-effective environmental mitigation measures […]

Check out SUDOANG newsletter

Achievements, news, meetings, videos…you will find everything that happened in SUDOANG during the last year in our last newsletter, click   here.

COVID affects eel fishing in Galicia

In this video from Televisión de Galicia,  SUDOANG coordinator Estíbaliz Díaz, discusses the objectives of the project for eel Management and  recovery while a Galician fisherman laments how the pandemic is affecting fishing.

The spectacular journey of the European eel

At Researchers’ Night, Lluis Zamora from the University of Girona presents a video on the biology of the eel and its extraordinary life cycle.

GEREM: the model that calculates glass eel recruitment

How to quantify the number of glass eels entering rivers each year? In this video we explain with simple examples how the GEREM model estimates glass eel recruitment even in basins where consolidated data series don’t exist.

SUDOANG in the IUCN Newsletter

Fundación Lonxanet has published an article “La anguila ya no pasea por el Manzanares. Una especie en la lista roja de la UICN y el proyecto SUDOANG” in the autumn bulletin of the Spanish committee of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) explaining the critical state of the european eel.